Kingston Branch: 0203 219 5555Yiewsley Branch: 01895 435558Greenford Branch: 0208 575 5626


Helping you find the perfect memorial

Probably the most common question we are asked with regard to producing a memorial is "what should the memorial inscription say?" Understandably most people don't consider what to write upon a stone until well after the person it relates to has passed away. The thought of trying to encapsulate a person's life in a few lines of text can be a daunting task, and can often lead to a family delaying the placement of a memorial or the making of a final decision on what memorial to have.

Our advice to all our clients is simply; there is no right or wrong way to write an inscription. It is personal to you and your family. It is true that most memorials seen in cemeteries contain similar inscription formats. Really the only requirement civic cemetery authorities stipulate is that the name of the person shown upon the memorial matches the name shown on that person's death certificate. Other than that, as long as the details provided upon the stone are legal, decent, honest and truthful you should not have any issues with what you wish to say. Church burial ground authorities can be more particular regarding the content of the inscription upon a memorial stone, so it is worth consulting the incumbent minister prior to making any final decisions.

On the whole memorial inscriptions will contain the following; however bear in mind this is only a guide;

  • Opening line – such as 'In loving memory', 'Cherished memories' or 'Sacred to the memory of'
  • Sentence determining a persons relationship – 'A beloved Son, Brother, Husband, Dad, Grandad'
  • The deceased's name(s) as shown on the death certificate
  • The dates of birth and passing – these can be written several different forms; i.e 24.03.1962-24.03.2012 or 24 March 1962 - 24 March 2012, or just the date of passing and age on passing
  • Lastly an epitaph or verse appropriate to the person or to express a sentiment of love – such as 'Sadly missed', 'Peace perfect Peace', 'Forever in our thoughts'

If the memorial upon the graves plot requires further inscription in the future, room should be left at the time of first inscription.

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Kenward & Son


Kenward & Son


0208 575 5626

43 Greenford Road

Greenford, Middx, UB6 9AY

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Monday to Friday: 9.30am - 5pm

Saturday: 10am - 1pm



01895 435558

117a High Street

Yiewsley, Middx, UB7 7QL

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Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 9.30am - 5pm

Saturday: 10am - 1pm (by appointment)

27 High Street

Hampton Wick, Kingston KT1 4DA

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Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 9.30am - 4pm

Saturday: 10am - 1pm (by appointment)